Woven hanging chair

Woven hanging chair
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 61.73 MB
Woven hanging chair
Woven Hanging Chair (Max 2016)
Scene Totals:
Objects: 6
Woven Hanging Chair Verts: 139170 Faces: 272840
pillows Verts: 203625 Faces: 171325
seat Verts: 93702 Verts: 88852
plaid decorative elements Verts: 882 Faces: 1728
plaid Verts: 233058 Faces: 232979
rope Verts: 52,898 Faces: 52,813
Mesh Totals:
Verts: 723,335
Faces: 820537
Zip: Max2016 / OBJ / MTL / file texture_and_maps / file settings and options hair and fur