Wall fountains with ivy

Wall fountains with ivy
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 173.96 MB
Wall fountains with ivy
Important note:
Every scene has its own lighting and Dimension
which affects the water material, So I highly
recommend In Corona water material try to change the (Distance Number ) in the {Volumetric scattering section) in the material editor, So you can get more realistic r ivyesults
Wall fountains with
The archive contains:
3ds Max 2018 file (Vray Next)
3ds Max 2018 file (Corona 6)
Fbx Vray
Fbx Corona
For Caustics in Corona Renderer 4 or higher:
Enable Caustics Solver
In the Render setup – performance- enable Caustics Solver.
For Caustics in Vray Renderer:
Enable caustics
In the Render setup – GI – Caustics