VizPeoPle 3D Seating Furniture FULL VERSION

VizPeoPle 3D Seating Furniture FULL VERSION
Max | FBX | OBJ | C4D | 3D MODELS | 1.0 GB

Introducing a true state of art, the 3d models set. This unique collection contains 80 beautifully crafted 3d models of a contemporary and classic furniture icons.

We carefully selected different furniture groups to fit many needs. This collection provides furniture designed for office, home, commercial areas, restaurants, gardens and many, many more, bringing office armchairs, home armchairs, chairs, sunbeds, benches, sofas.
We have made efforts to keep this collection as useful as possible.

A 3D seating furniture is a RAM friendly product. Every model contains enough polygons to look and work great and at the same time takes a really small amount of resources.

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