Potocco Velis hand weaved armchair

Potocco Velis hand weaved armchair
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 23.63 MB

Potocco Velis hand weaved armchair

Armchair with cushion and ro rope rope. Seat padded in polyurethane foam.

Design: Mario Ferrarini

Dimensions (mm):
armchair 520×500, H800

Polys: 92 677
Verts: 84,784


The OBJ version comes without materials.

All textures and materials are included in the 3ds max scene.

No TurboSmooth on ropes / Us NURMS Subdivision is on.

Vray 3.50.04. No Microfaset GTR (GGX) in BRDF.

3dsmax2012, OBJ, format included.

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