Palms in tubs. 6 models

Palms in tubs. 6 models
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 35.99 MB

Palms in tubs. 6 models

Plant height about: 300-400cm

Leaves are made by geometry

The weight of the models is about 8.4 MB
Pivot from the bottom of trees

max2013 + FBX
Polys – 386.336
Verts – 299,933

Archived models with materials for Corona and Vray

Pot and plant – separated

Suitable for interior, outdoor use, cafes, bars, restaurants, terraces, balconies, roofs, landscaping, gazebos, entrance groups

Enjoy using it 🙂

palm, pots, plant, wood, roystone, exotic, royal, leaves, cuba, entrance, entourage, greens, landscaping, exterior, eco, pot, tub, south, dubai, date fruit, coconut, thailand, desert, equator, mexico, brazil, jungle, tropics

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