Nina Chair Scandinavian style

Nina Chair Scandinavian style
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 40.84 MB

Nina Chair Scandinavian style

Its silhouette and rounded shapes make this chair an ideal piece to decorate a Scandinavian or rustic ambinence. A versatile design, for your interior or exterior images.
The render is not retouched. If you want even more detail, you can add a TurboSmooth to the model, but realism is already there.

Length: 50 cm
Width: 56 cm
Height: 78 cm
Seat height: 43 cm

Textures PBR 4096×4096 pxl.
Corona materials included.

Polys: 22550
Somm: 22716

rattan, scandinavian, chair, leather, rustic, interior, wood, furniture, comfort, retro, contemporary, wooden, seat, seating

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