Modern house 02

Modern house 02
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 57.81 MB
Modern house 02
The archive contains model of a modern house.
The buildings elements (outside walls, interior walls, balconies, glass panels, windows, roof, chimneys, sills, railings) are 3D models
Curtains in windows are textures on planes.
Units in centimeters.
No third-party plugin or script required.
Polys: 127,280
Verts: 150 692
height: 940 cm
width: 1100 cm
depth: 2245 cm
3ds max file version 2015
Corona renderer 6
Fbx file version 2014/2015
Renderings with little color post-production.
Most materials are compatible only with corona 6 or above.
For Corona render, it is recommended to install a version of at least 1.5, since the glossiness of materials is configured considering PBR.