Marelli grace stool

Marelli grace stool
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 20.59 MB

Marelli grace stool

Collection of chairs with or without armrests, suitable for both residential or contract spaces, characterized by a modern design and by the peculiar open backrest

Frame made of curved multi-ply poplar wood.

The base is in oak and covers can be in fabric or leather.

Fixed covers.

Design: Studio Marelli

Dimensions (mm):
530 x 560, H990

Polys: 30,900
Verts: 15,739

Notes: The OBJ version comes without materials.

All textures and materials are included in 3ds max scene. If you need color variations or material variations, please do not import model in to a new scene. First of all open original scene with a model. Additional materials and colors you can find in the Slate Material Editor. Save 3d model with the new settings and then use import.

Vray 3.50.04. No Microfaset GTR (GGX) in BRDF.

3dsmax2012, OBJ format included.

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