Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4 Concept 2014 3D Model
Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4 Concept 2014 3D Model
MAX | FBX | OBJ | 3D MODELS | 169 MB
High detailed model created by SQUIR team.
Ready to render at 3dsmax without any additional plugins.
Everything is set for stock 3dsmax with stock included mentalray shadders.
Rendering scene with all lightning, materials, background setups is included.
(setup is done for the 3dsmax 2012, but of course you can use the scene at all newest max’s,
however other than 2012 versions might require slight setup adjustments tp get exactly the same resoult)
All of our models are done on the 3dsmax, and we are able to provide uncollapsed modifier stack only for the 3dsmax,
but if you’d need the lower polygon version at other programs, please contact with Turbosquid support,
and we will convert the reduced mesh to requested format.
For this product there’s 3 different 3dsmax files included.
‘Set’ is uncollapsed, it’s a file where you can make changes at the model.
‘Hipoly’ is collapsed to hipoly with all the modifiers history cleaned to make it trouble free while using at other programs
‘Studio’ is the file with all rendering setups which we used to make the previews renderings.
Because of different Disk topology at different computers it might be required to change the textures path at the destination computer.
If you have any questions, please contact with Turbosquid support.