Kitchen Decor 02

Kitchen Decor 02
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 89.89 MB

Kitchen Decor 02

1.Teapot -H18
2.Cutting_board_L – H38
3.Cutting_board_M – H28
4.Cutting_board_S – H24

The archive contains links to manufacturers.

The model is made for anti-aliasing, the stack is not collapsed.
Anti-aliasing modifier is on (display in the viewport – 0 iterations, in the render -1-2 iterations)

Polys: 99450
Verts: 191410

-max 2012 corona
-obj (it is necessary to throw MeshSmooth (1-2 iterations) on some objects)
–fbx (it is necessary to throw MeshSmooth (1-2 iterations) on some objects)
-material library
For Corona render, it is recommended to install a version of at least 1.5, since the glossiness of materials is configured

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