kitchen appliance-smeg

kitchen appliance-smeg
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 82.6 MB

kitchen appliance-smeg

Max File Size: 76.2MB

Polygons: 434,402
Vertex: 8396.654

Units: Milimeters

Animated: No

softwarem: 3dsMax2015, Vray5 & Corona3

Archive: vray 3dmax 2015 / corona 3dmax 2015 /vray.obj / corona.fbx / vray.fbx / textures

render: Corona

All textures and models in high quality are perfect for rendering from a close angle.

Pleasant use and beautiful renderings!

kitchen, accessories, appliance, coffeemaker, smeg, toaster, kettle, electric, water, wood, food, plastic, utensil, bowl, vace, bread

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