Juniperus Cossack # 1

Juniperus Cossack # 1
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 42.81 MB
Juniperus Cossack # 1
In the scene there are 2 small juniper bushes.
Height 1.2 m
Width 2.2 m – 3.3 m
Juniperus_Sabina_0101 – 362 756
Juniperus_Sabina_0102 – 225,724
In the scene, only juniper bushes. The grass used on the preview is missing.
In the archive:
3ds max_2013 (Corona)
3ds max_2013 (V-ray)
Corona mat
V-ray mat
FBX (Corona)
FBX (V-ray)
Pleasant use!