Ikea Set from the new catalog 2017-2018

Ikea Set from the new catalog 2017-2018
max | obj | 3D Models | 212 MB
Ikea Set from the new catalog 2017-2018
New Catalog 2017-2018
Sofa Himmene, Firesdal bed
Ared lamp, Hektar lamp
Ektorp stool
Kragsta tables
Fabrikor shelf with books,
Kvarnik boxes, pudda boxes
Set from the new catalog 2017-2018
Sofa Himmene, Firesdal bed
Floor lamp Ared, lamp Hektar
Ektorp stool for feet
Kragsta tables
Fabrikor shelf with books,
Kvarnik boxes, pudda box
The archive includes 3dsMax2013, textures, obj
Сorona Render 1.5