Headboard #12

Headboard #12
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 32.37 MB
Headboard #12
– “frame” for a soft panel with bedside tables (headboard level – 900 mm from the floor)
– headboard in two versions: with upholstered panel and wood effect
All objects are attached, have logical names of materials and textures
TurboSmooth open
Holes for sockets are made using corona distance and auxiliary boxes with the parameter object properties->visibility ->0
For Corona render, it is recommended to install a version of at least 1.5, since the glossiness of materials is configured taking into account PBR
Those who work in V-Ray versions lower than 3.1, be careful, in the materials in the BRDF section there is Microfaset GTR ( GGX ), if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward – whichever suits you best
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