Flower Arrangement- peony grape leaf twig vase

Flower Arrangement- peony grape leaf twig vase
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 15.81 MB

Flower Arrangement- peony grape leaf twig vase

Corona + vray files, obj + mtl files, fbx file, textures, a library of materials
Clean file, no background and lighting
Polygon is in NURMS Mode. You can choose your scene or closeups.
Polygon: 81482
Vertex: 98605

Flower Arrangement Vase 3d model
bouquet, flower, vase, berries, privet, fruit, camellia, peony, rose, buttercup, grape, vase, leaf, plant, greenery, leaves, decor,bouquet, collection, set, decorative set, composition, hallway, lobby, hall, event, wedding, interior, living, bedroom, bathroom, resort, hotel, restaurant, cafe, shop, shelf

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Have a nice day!