Fitness Equipment Clear Fit

Fitness Equipment Clear Fit
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 90.45 MB

Fitness Equipment Clear Fit

1. Elliptical trainer Clear Fit StartHouse SX 40 . Dimensions (L x W x H) 172.9 x 78 x 166 cm ;
2. Exercise bike Vertical exercise bike Clear Fit StartHouse SB 40. Dimensions (L x W x H)
99 x 63 x 133 cm;
3. Clear Fit StartHouse RS 500 rowing simulator. Dimensions (L x W x H) – 211x49x87 cm
The number of polygons is indicated without the Turbosmooth modifier
Polys: 296534
Verts: 308388
Vray version 3.20.03
Corona 5 version
Stage organization:
– all objects are named in the scene;
– the real size of the world (system blocks – mm);
– all previews are rendered in 3ds max Vray;
– the model is completely ready to use visualization in 3ds max + Vray + Corona.
– the model is made for anti-aliasing;
– TurboSmooth is applied to the model, 1 iteration is enabled during rendering.

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