Faded Herb Bouquet

Faded Herb Bouquet
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 50.57 MB

Faded Herb Bouquet

In the archive:
– max 2014 (V-ray)
– max 2011 (V-ray)
– textures
– material library (V-ray 3.0)

All materials and objects have corresponding names in Latin letters.
The export file is partially anti-aliased. Apply Turbosmooth modifier to objects.
For a vase, tray and pocket mirror – with iteration 2; 1 cup is enough for a glass, matches and a ring.
The smoothing stack in the scene is not minimized and disabled.


Please note: lights are not exported to FBX.
In a scene, an IP simulating a candle flame has the following parameters:
Vray Light (sphere), Radiuse – 25 mm, Temperature – 4000, Multiplier – 10, or customize to your liking.

Polys: 103,596
Verts: 245,295