Dune Chaise Lounge with Sunbrella

Dune Chaise Lounge with Sunbrella
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 9.88 MB

Dune Chaise Lounge with Sunbrella

Chaise Loung:
H: 17.75 “-40.5″
W: 78 ”
L: 27 ”

Sand umbrella:
W: 77.75 ”
D: 77.75 ”
H: 99.25 ”

Ridge Side Table-Stool:
W: 15 ”
D: 15 ”
H: 16 ”

Who works with V-Ray version lower than 3.1, pay attention to materials section BRDF (Microfaset GTR (GGX)), if your version is older than 3.1 – this option will be empty and you have to choose:
Blinn,Ward or Phong, depence on material.