Decorative set Black

Decorative set Black
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 90.43 MB
Decorative set Black

is perfect for decorating coffee tables, desktops and any other horizontal surfaces
Corona version 9
Materials CoronaLegacyMtl + Vray
CoronaLegacyMtl requires a version of Corona Renderer at least 1.5, since the cards are designed to use PBR (roughness-metallic)
Vray materials are obtained using Vray-converter
Who works in a V-Ray version lower than 3.1 be careful, there is a Microfaset GTR ( GGX) in the materials in the BRDF section, if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward – which is preferable for you.
All cards are designed for the PBR roughness-metallic workspace.
Textures and materials have logical names
Texturing UnwrapUVW

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