Cattelan Italia Belinda armchair Stratos table set

Cattelan Italia Belinda armchair Stratos table set
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 50.54 MB

Cattelan Italia Belinda armchair Stratos table set

Cattelan Italia Belinda armchair Stratos table set
Belinda armchair with frame in natural wood. Synthetic nubuck, synthetic leather or leather, as per sample card.
Stratos Keramik Premium Table with Brushed Bronze lacquered and rounded lower profile.
Design: Paolo Cattelan – Studio Kronos
Dimensions (mm):
armchair 535×590, H860
table 1200×2400, H750
Polys: 138,410
Verts: 128,395
The OBJ version comes without materials.
All textures and materials are included in the 3ds max scene. If you need to make it, it is not a problem. Open the original scene with a model. Additional materials and colors can be found in the Slate Material Editor. Do not use Compact Material Editor. Save import.
Vray 3.50.04. No Microfaset GTR (GGX) in BRDF.
3dsmax2012, OBJ, format included.

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