Calligaris Jungle round table Lilly chair set

Calligaris Jungle round table Lilly chair set
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 38.64 MB
Calligaris Jungle round table Lilly chair set
Dimensions (mm):
LILLY 550×610, H820
JUNGLE D1400, H760
Polys: 108 808
Verts: 95 804
The OBJ version comes without materials.
All textures and materials are included in the 3ds max scene.
If you need to make it, it’s not a problem. Open the original scene with a model. Slate Material Editor. Do not use Compact Material Editor.
Vray 3.50.04. No Microfaset GTR (GGX) in BRDF 3dsmax2012, OBJ format included.