Big Hydrangea Leaf Vases Decorative Set

Big Hydrangea Leaf Vases Decorative Set
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 87.52 MB
Big Hydrangea Leaf Vases Decorative Set
2012 3dsmax Corona file
2012 3dsmax Vray file
obj + mtl files
Textures, Map, a folder of material jpeg.
Clean file, Clean models, no background and lighting
Some models in 3dsmax file are under Turbosmooth mode.
If you use V-Ray 3.0 and less, pay attention to that, BRDF Microfaset GTR (GGX) is applied, If you use V-Ray 3.1 and more, the field will be empty. Select Blinn, Phong or Ward.
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Enjoy and See you again! ^^
hydrangea, hortensia, white, beige, green, big, giant, luxurious, vase, glass, plant, leaf, decor, bouquet, flower, twig, accessories, collection, set, decorative