Autumn road with leaves and puddles

Autumn road with leaves and puddles
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 34.6 MB
Autumn road with leaves and puddles
-The road was made using an editable spline (spline settings are in the screenshot in the archive);
-Asphalt Bitmaps use Real World Scale parameters (the settings are in the screenshot in the archive), size 3.0 x 3.0 m. When shifting, simple numbers are used, which confuses the tiling;
-Puddles are made using the Noise card (not tiled);
-Leaf distribution done using CoronaScatter. When distributing, the PerSquare parameter was used, which allows you to automatically adapt to the unit of area. When distributing leaves, a Noise map was used (not tiled). Scatter settings are on the screenshot in the archive;
-Rain made using Particle Flow. The source size is 3.0 x 6.0 m. Move the animation slider to see the drops. To see motion blur, turn it on in the render or camera properties;
-The archive contains the files CoronaLegacyMtl, CoronaPhysicalMtl;
-In Obj there is only the geometry of leaves and roads;
Polys 13,763
Verts 15,289