Apple iPhone 13

Apple iPhone 13
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 63.01 MB

Apple iPhone 13

All iPhone 13 line included:
-iPhone 13
-iPhone 13 mini
-iPhone 13 pro
-iPhone 13 pro max
-Leather MagSafe Case
-Leather MagSafe Wallet Case

The turbosmooth modifier is applied to the model (display in the viewport – 0 iterations, 1 iteration on the render). If necessary, you can increase or decrease the number of smoothing iterations.

-polygons: 125 789
-points: 130 028

The archive contains the following files:
-max 2014 corona
-max 2014 vray
-fbx corona
-fbx v-ray

apple, iphone, 13, mini, pro, max, aviato