3D Total Textures V19 Destroyed & Damaged

3D Total Textures V19 Destroyed & Damaged
JPEG | Textures | 2.45 GB

Total Textures V19 – “Destroyed & Damaged” contains a group of images relating to manmade destruction and includes damage caused by bullets and shells. Most of the textures have been crafted from original photography whilst a handful incorporates some hand-painted details. The effects of fire and vandalism are also covered, as well as acid spills. The textures would suit any war-torn environments, as well as being appropriate in almost any architectural context, and include damage to metal, stone and wooden surfaces.

This DVD contains 130 individual images comprising of over 440 individual handcrafted texture maps. Each texture has been hand crafted from 100% original photography, and each has their own unique bump and specular map included.

The ‘Tiff’ files included carry an appropriate alpha channel and can be saved out by using the ‘Save as’ option when ‘right-clicking’ (PC) or ‘option-clicking’ (Mac).

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