3D Insect Fauna: Flutter of Butterflies

3D Insect Fauna: Flutter of Butterflies

Take your runtime straight into the photo realistic animal kingdom with the Flutter of Butterflies!

“Flutter” is the movement of butterfly wings but also a group of butterflies. Enjoy a massive butterfly pack with huge variety! You get a full 2K texture for the wings, and as you can see in the promos you can use them in closeups with pristine detail retained. The package consists of 2 butterflies (young and mature, where young is more of a standard butterfly, proportion wise while the mature is more stylized to exaggerate the wing span)
Also is included several groups of butterflies of different sizes, and with material variations, so you can quickly make large masses of butterflies in your scenes!

The textures consist of 8 base photo textures, then stylized into a myriad of colorized variants, even glowing and gothic versions!

This product is made to work fully in both Poser and DazStudio.